About: The UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the resolution “Central Asia Facing Environmental Challenges: Fostering Regional Solidarity for Sustainable Development and Prosperity,” initiated by Uzbekistan.
The text specifically mentions a number of initiatives of the President of Uzbekistan, including the Green Agenda of Central Asia and its role in promoting sustainable development in the region. In the resolution, member states welcome Uzbekistan's initiative to hold the International Climate Forum in Samarkand.
Following the event, it is planned to present the final document of the Samarkand Climate Forum – the Regional Concept of “Green” Development, which will lay the foundation for the formation of a unified regional vision of the Central Asian countries in the field of climate change. It will outline the approaches of leading international organizations to solving the environmental problems of the region.
Dates: 04-05 April 2025
Location: Samarkand, Uzbekistan
More information: https://www.samarqand2025.org/en