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One year before the end of the CLIENT II "International Partnerships for Sustainable Innovation" funding programme, CASIB organised a Wrap-up conference with regional project partners from Central Asia and Mongolia in Almaty with the support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the DLR project management agency. Since 2017, CLIENT II has launched 15 joint projects with the countries of Central Asia and Mongolia to develop solutions for the climate, environment, resources and energy sectors.

CLIENT II Conference

A wide range of projects and their innovative, application-orientated results were presented at the conference. These include the LINOKAS, KasHemp and KendyrTEX projects for the production of alternative natural fibres, the ReKKS and SUFACHAIN projects for the development of sustainable land use concepts and agricultural value chains and the TERESA project, which is researching the potential for improvement in urban water management. A particular strength of the CLIENT II funding programme is the close and trusting cooperation between the German and Central Asian sides, that is why we were delighted to welcome over 70 guests from Mongolia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Germany.

CLIENT II Conference

After the project presentation, various initiatives to establish platforms to support knowledge transfer between the "knowledge spaces" of Germany and Central Asia and the various sectors (science - business - politics) were presented by the AHK Central Asia, the German-Kazakh University, the German-Kazakh Agricultural Policy Dialogue and adelphi (CLIENT2Works project).

The conference concluded with a panel discussion on knowledge transfer with high-ranking regional stakeholders from business, politics, and science.

CLIENT II Conference